Diploma Program


Equipping Believers Diploma Program Overview


Designed for believers desiring further spiritual growth, this diploma program provides foundational training in Biblical and Theological studies to develop a solid foundation of faith and strengthen their spiritual life.


Two to three courses will be offered annually, conducted online through live video lectures for 3 to 4 consecutive weeks on Thursday evenings. Students are required to attend all lectures for each course with video cameras operating to indicate attendance and attentiveness to the course material.


Diploma Program Content – 10 Courses :

  1. Required Courses (8):Spiritual Formation I & II, Biblical Studies (including both Old Testament and New Testament – total 6 courses), Biblical Exegesis
  2. Elective Courses (2):Courses offered will be tailored to meet current needs


Admissions Requirement :

  1. Born again and assured of salvation, willing to learn Biblical truth, and accepts being equipped as a believer.
  2. No prior academic standing or achievements required.
  3. New students admitted and welcomed each semester.


Graduation Requirement :

  1. Indicate desire to enroll in diploma program when completing course registration form.
  2. Complete all diploma program requirements within the time frame provided; submit all required course assignments with a minimum passing grade.

  3. Complete all 10 diploma program courses within 4 to 5 years. 


Application Procedure : Please complete and submit the available online course registration form and indicate your desire to enroll in the diploma program.



All tuition fees are covered by generous donors. Free-will offering and donations are welcome (Please contact us for details).



* Please note: All course materials and lectures will be offered in Cantonese-Chinese. Translations to English will not be provided at this time. Personal recordings of lectures are strictly prohibited. Course materials and handouts are reserved solely for the enrolled student and not for resale or distribution.


2024 Course Schedule :