Seminary Logo


Forty years passed after our Seminary reopened in Hong Kong.  Our Lord guided us into a new chapter in 2005.  We designed a new logo, which consists of the character '中' (the first character of the name of our Seminary, 'China 中華') that resembles the Cross and an opened Bible.  The logo expresses our hearts' desire: "Exalt Christ and Preach the Word!"


As for the school colors, we employ dark brown and grey, which represent wood and stone respectively, the main material of the New Temple depicted in Ezekiel Ch. 40-43.  Though plain and simple, yet with the presence of God, the Temple is filled with His glory (Eze 43:1-5).  May this be our prayer: "Pursue Holiness and Serve God Wholeheartedly!"

Seminary Motto


Christ as our Head


Exalt Christ and Preach the Word!

Pursue Holiness and Serve God Wholeheartedly!