Message from the President

"Behold, the days are coming," declares the LORD GOD, "when I will send a famine on the land-- not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD." (Amos 8:11)


In accordance with the belief that the Holy Bible is the spiritual food for Christians and the source of revival in the church, China Bible Seminary was founded in Jiang-wan, Shanghai, in 1930 by a group of Western missionaries who loved the Lord and the Chinese people. The seminary moved to Hong Kong in 1964 and has over 90 years of history to date. During this time, many servants of God who were called by God have been trained and sent to faithfully serve around the globe to lead people to Christ through the Word of God, edify believers, and establish church - thanks be to God. Great is the faithfulness of God and his steadfast love endures forever!


In 2020, the board of directors of the North America ministries of China Bible Seminary sensed the weakening of faith among Chinese Christians in North America under the cultural trend departing from Truth and faith as well as the effects of the pandemic. The faith of many believers were shaken, robbing them of the powerful effect of the gospel of Christ on their lives, resulting in an incredible need to return to the teaching of Holy Scripture. Honour and Emphasis must be placed in the Word of God in order for believers to stand firm in this challenging day and age. Only so will Christians and the Church continue to function as lampstands in this sinful and dark era, to guide people into the Light, living out a meaningful and valuable life toward eternity.


For this reason, during the pandemic, board members met virtually numerous times to develop the Equipping Believers Diploma Program. From 2020 until now, five tuition-free courses have been completed through an online platform, including: Spiritual Formation I, Spiritual Formation II, Life of Christ, 1 Samuel, and Malachi. By God's mercy, He has prompted believers across the US and Canada to register, each time exceeding 50 students per course, signifying God's will to us: "This is the way, walk in it." (Isaiah 30:21)


Our prayer is that under God's sovereign direction and providence, we will continue to identify lecturers who are sound in doctrine and full of the Spirit such that we may continue offering three to four biblical and/or theological studies courses each year to believers in North America; to build up brothers' and sisters' understanding of God's Word, holding fast to orthodox faith, listening to the Word of God in spirit, comprehending the precepts of God, that by both learning and applying, their spiritual lives will develop into meaningful and valuable lives. Amen!


"Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O LORD, God of hosts." (Jeremiah 15:16)


President Julie Lee   

(November 11, 2022)